Monday 16 March 2009

Shopping like crazy!

I feel like I have been ordering lots online the past few days - I tend to go through cycles of ordering lots and then zilch, my postman must hate me when I am going through an ordering phase!

So far I have ordered a BBQ Sword for hubby's birthday...

New Robeez for Rune as be has just grown out of his last pair, and feel he's still a baby to have 'proper' shoes. Ordered Frog design, wanted the monkey but didn't have size (my boys have big broad feet).

And today I have ordered these:



Aren't they gorgeous?! They are for our picture day at playgroup, can't wait for it as last year Rune had the start of conjunctivitis and you could see it in the photo, well I could, so never gave it out to anyone (But I did buy it as it was the first picture of brothers after all.) Talking of conjunctivitis Rune has had it since Friday! Have tried breast milk, salt water and now trying cold tea (recommended by another mummy). To be honest I'm not cleaning his eyes enough (twice today, eek) so will make more of an effort tomorrow. Luckily, photo day isn't 'til 7th April, can only hope it has gone by then.

Logging off now so I can finish off my dear Friend's Christmas present. And what a dear friend she is, waiting patiently this long!

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