Thursday 15 October 2009

The week continues

I never got a chance to update last night as laying in Rune's bed until he went over, I beat him to it! Luckily did not do a repeat tonight!

Yesterday was a quiet day about the house, trying to declutter and organize the kid's toys, but I have resigned myself that I will have to do it when Phoenix is at school, and Rune is napping! The number of toys they pulled out of bin bags is unreal, and they are cleverly still playing with them today to lead me to believe they actually still want them.

After Lunch I had to go to the post office, we walked down the road that the post office is on and it was being resurfaced, much excitement for the boys... Steam rollers, burly men and hot tarmac!

By the time we had got back up the road to the library Rune was asleep so he was missed out on the park action. It was nice to play with Phoenix though, but he ended up ditching me for two other boys.

Once again today as been much the same, but finally my house is in some sort of order, and I have 4 bin bags of rubbish to throw out and 1 bag for charity of old toys etc. Can't wait for Hubby to come home as I'll know he'll be pleased. I've been a bit lazy recently about the house!

I also submitted my application for a school support assistant. I really really hope I get an interview, but not holding out much hope as I know a lot of people will apply for it.

Tonight's plan is type up a post about Planning Children's Parties, got the idea from a comment thread on Facebook this morning. Also order a few things online for Christmas.

My driving instructor was supposed to phone me back this evening, she hasn't, and she hasn't made a good first impression on me!

In Yummy Mummy Xmas '09 news: Still going well, had a few wee treats (a couple of marshmallows/chips/smarties) today but hopefully on the grand scheme of the week it won't matter. Hubby is now on 3 lates in a row and off Sunday, which will probably be the next time I will get to the gym, and to weigh myself. I am still only drinking 5 cups of tea a day, which is hard! I swear I have to stop myself boiling the kettle. Baby Steps!

Tomorrow's plan is to go to Calderglen Country Park, then Saturday Phoenix has a birthday party 11-1pm during which I will do a bit of Christmas shopping with Rune. Hopefully on Sunday Phoenix's rugby training will be on, and hopefully I'll get to the gym. Must remember to do the ironing on Saturday so that I have no excuse!


Marylin said...

Phew, sounds like you're *really* busy!
I hope Phoenix enjoys the party today and you get everything done that you want to this weekend. :)

Anonymous said...

Try doing few cups of herbal tea in with your regular tea - I got some Slim Plus stuff in Tesco which is nice and supposedly suppresses the appetite! Frenchie xx